Spring Potluck / Business Meeting 2025
Saturday, April 12, 2025 2:00 P.M.
Open to Non-Members-Bring a Friend
Meeting Place: Collamer United Church, 6865 Fly Rd., East Syracuse. (Enter from back of the
Leaders: Pat Urban, , Sandy Manca,
Directions: Take Rt. 481 North from Syracuse to Exit 7 (Rt. 298), take right onto 298 West to
Fly Road, go south on Fly Road (left turn by Adirondack Furniture) the driveway to the church is
on your right.
Social half-hour at 2:00-3:00 pm. Drinks and hors d’oeuvres will be provided by the club. Our
guest speaker at 3:00pm is Len Sharp. Len was an Earth Science Teacher and adjunct Professor
for Science Education/Supervision at LeMoyne College. He will be speaking on the geological
development of Clark Reservation SP, wildlife indigenous to the region, its natural history,
selected trails and sights unique to the park and the impact of humans upon the site’s ecosystems.
The business meeting will follow at 4:00. A potluck dinner will follow the business
meeting. Please bring a dish to share and your own place setting. Reservations are required.